South Boston Apartments has published an infographic showing the average rent prices for apartments ranging in size from studios to 4 bedrooms. They pulled data from the immense Boston Pads database, which contains over 156,000 Boston apartments, 500,000+ photos, and 8,000+ video tours.
The averages were sourced from 272 local South Boston apartments that either are currently listed or were rented in the past 12 months. The real time vacancy rate was determined by taking the total number of currently available apartments, plus units that will become available in the next few months, and dividing by the total number of apartments in the area. The data about population and average income was pulled directly from the United States Census Bureau.
South Boston rent averages are noticeably lower than rent prices in the South End, but much higher than the average rent prices in Dorchester. Renters in South Boston save, on average, $400 per month compared to their neighbors in the South End for 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments. For 3-bedroom apartments, they save over $550 per month, and for 4-bedroom apartments, nearly $1,000.
Compared to Dorchester, South Boston landlords fetch over $600 more per month on 1-bedrooms, over $700 more per month for 2-bedroom apartments, and almost $1,000 more per month for 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom units.
Studio |
$1,409.67 |
$1,558.75 |
$1,608.87 |
1 Bedroom |
$1,952.44 |
$2,362.34 |
$1,356.98 |
2 Bedrooms |
$2,510.14 |
$2,996.30 |
$1,853.14 |
3 Bedrooms |
$3,303.86 |
$3,866.71 |
$2,405.43 |
4 Bedrooms |
$3,923.35 |
$4,851.03 |
$2,997.43 |
Despite its fame and popularity, Southie remains one of the more reasonably priced neighborhoods to rent in Boston. Out of the 22 neighborhoods included in the sample, it ranks just above average for rent prices. Southie ranks 11th highest in rent for 1-bedroom and 3-bedroom apartments, 10th highest for 2-bedroom apartments, and 9th highest for 4-bedroom apartments.
About South Boston Apartments
South Boston Apartments is powered by the Boston Pads real estate database. This data on South Boston and much more can be accessed by phone seven days a week. Landlords, agents, and renters who call will reach a professional phone staff member or licensed real estate agent based in the Boston area. It is an immeasurable tool for landlords, who can get a glimpse of the rental market in any neighborhood, including current rent prices, vacancy rates, trending topics, and more. Boston Pads uses this data to help local landlords fine tune rental income and minimize vacancies.
It is this hyper-local and data-driven approach that has helped Boston Pads build a network of over 16,000 local landlords. Landlords who list with Boston Pads get the most comprehensive marketing coverage possible from one company. Boston Pads syndicates their listings to nearly all the national rental listing sites including Zillow, Craigslist, and Trulia, plus over 80 heavily trafficked local real estate websites, and 100+ geographically optimized social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
By providing the most widespread marketing coverage and the latest data, Boston Pads has positioned itself as the real estate and information technology leader in New England. Their platform is scalable and adaptable to any market, and can be utilized by any agency or landlord looking to gain access to marketing and real estate tools to help stand out above their competition.
To see more average rent prices for towns in the Greater Boston area, check out our latest infographic on average rent prices in Boston by town.