There are many situations where you may be forced to sublet a room in your apartment. Maybe you have to move for a job or have a roommate that is moving away for the summer; or worse a roommate that just decided to walk out on the lease. Whatever the case may be, there are some quick and easy ways to get it filled with someone reliable. We have years of experience in dealing with sublets and rooms for rent in the Boston area.
These 5 methods are by far the best way to get it done quickly and efficiently.
1. Right to Sublet
Before we dig further, make sure you have permission to sublet. Read your lease thoroughly, if you see a clause that forbids subletting, then you’re out of luck. Make sure to discuss with your landlord or management company for the correct process. Some landlords require the same application process as a new lease, so all sublet applicants must be forwarded to them.
Your going to find quickly that the most difficult part of the process is finding that specific tenant to take over your lease. Your not in the business of leasing apartments, so where do you start? Many people will tell you to start online, and this is definitely the best way to get in front of the biggest audience.
2. Craiglist.org
Craiglist will be one of the first that comes to mind. All you need is an email address and a phone number and you’ll be able to post a sublet ad. Simply upload your listing in the housing section and you’re ready to go! Despite its reputation, most Craigslist transactions go very smoothly. Just be sure to prescreen over the phone and meet them in person before entering any agreement.
3. Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Marketplace is the hottest place to buy and sell items at the moment. This has been a pet project of Facebook for a while now, and it’s really taking off. It’s quickly overcoming Craigslist as the best place to post a room for rent. Advertising your sublet here will generate a ton of views. You should prepare to weed through people just browsing or simply wasting time. Don't get discouraged, this is just part of the process. Be sure and post numerous photos including the kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc.
4. Rental Listing Syndication Services
This is a technique that many people outside of the apartment industry are unaware of. Here are the basics, you can upload your apartment listing with photos, address, etc. to a service like one of the following:
- Bostonpads.com. After you click syndicate, your listing is blasted to all of the big apartment rental sites like Zillow, Trulia, Zumper, and Apartments.com.
- These are great for big cities with lots of rentals like Boston, Austin and Chicago.
- The key here is that your listing will generate a significant amount of traction.
5. Paperwork
Once you find the right sublet you should forward to your landlord or management company accordingly. As described above, some landlords require the same application process as if they were a new tenant. This includes filling out an application, co-signer if needed and income verification. Make sure the paperwork covers the outline of any deposits made such as security deposit and last month rent.
Subletting your room or apartment is no simple task. But these 5 tips can help you find a tenant that can help fill the empty space as quick as possible.