Locate your next South Boston apartment or home for sale with the real estate resources of South Boston Apartments!
South Boston Apartments has the best apartment rental listings and homes for sale all throughout South Boston including but not limited to: City Point near the Beach and Castle Island, East Broadway and Columbia Streets, and near the Andrew Square and Broadway T stops. If you are looking for “Southie” apartments and real estate solutions, your search ends here!
Our South Boston Apartment Portal has the largest group of real estate professionals that provide in-depth knowledge of SouthBoston and surrounding areas. Agents found here offer experience in apartment rentals, residential sales, property management, development, and commercial real estate sales and commercial leasing. The strong desire to live in South Boston has caused significant residential and commercial growth with over $30 billion invested in neighborhood development, home ownership opportunities and high-end commercial hospitality developments in recent years. The “Southie” neighborhood is a city with a small-town neighborhood feel, rich history and tradition with events the annual St. Patrick's day parade coupled with local attractions like Castle Island and the modernized Seaport Area.
The city of South Boston is 3.3 square miles with close proximity to nearly all of Boston via main highways like route 93, Mass Pike and good public transit. There are also beautiful parks and over 7 miles of waterfront including Carson Beach, L Street Beach, Pleasure Bay, and the Strandway. In addition to over 130 local and licensed real estate agents posting the latest South Boston Apartments to our website, we also utilize the power of the Boston Pads database. The Boston Pads database is the largest real time apartment database in New England. There are new South Boston listings constantly being added to the Boston Pads database, and that will also help you find the South Boston property you're looking for. The database caters to all types of clients looking in all types of locations and price ranges. With all these powerful South Boston options, we are fully committed to giving you the best South Boston Real Estate experience possible!
SouthBostonApartments.com has the largest database of local South Boston apartment listings, so you will be treated to the best possible options to match your needs. We deliver a second to none group of experienced real estate professionals, with expertise in the South Boston area that are dedicated to providing you with the best service. Our search options make it easy to find your new home in South Boston with a great selection of apartment units, renovated condos, loft developments, and single or multifamily homes near new restaurants, bars, beaches, parks and public transit.
We know that finding apartments for rent is no cakewalk, and that is exactly why we leave no stone unturned to keep our visitors happy. The South Boston real estate market has been very popular with many renters and buyer racing to find homes on the peninsula that extends out into the bay area surrounded by Dorchester Bay and the Fort Point Channel. The influx of diversity and increasing property values coupled with the thriving social scene has made South Boston a premier choice for places to live in the Boston area. We match homes to your specific needs and expectations in South Boston or any other surrounding neighborhood in Massachusetts.
Do you have doubts on how to price your property when you are considering to sell? Don't worry because we provide the access to professional and local South Boston Real Estate experts.
Agents found on this site can help home sellers value their homes depending on the current market conditions in specific areas of South Boston. It is important that you work with a local South Boston expert that does market research nearly every day, so that they can help you prepare you for the widest possible options that could significantly increase your selling price. Contact a licensed sales professional found here to list your property to reach the most renters or buyers.
Here are some of the great services you'll find right here on South Boston Apartments: